What We Believe

What we believe: The Lord Jesus and the Bible are central to the ministry of Concerning The Times. The Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, is the inerrant, inspired, unchanging, living word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17  We find everything we need to know in the Bible about God, His Son, and ourselves. The Father, Son, and Spirit are one God existing in three persons for all eternity. We believe Jesus is true God and true man. We believe Jesus was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. We believe in the literal death, burial, and bodily resurrection of Jesus. We believe Jesus ascended into heaven, where He is present as our Savior and High Priest. Man was born with a sinful nature, the old man. We believe the only way to obtain eternal life is through the redeeming work of Jesus on the cross. Living a sinless life, he died, shed His blood, and became the atoning sacrifice for our sins. John 1:29 The condition of our sinful heart before the holy living God is hopeless without Jesus.

1 John 1:9 tells us,  If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we confess with our mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we will be saved. God’s justice is satisfied, and we become His children because we put our faith in His son Jesus.  At conversion, believers are filled with the Holy Spirit to help us live out God’s perfect will. We believe Christians should obey the great commission, share our faith, and bring truth & grace to a broken world. We believe in the rapture of the church. We believe in a bodily resurrection of believers to eternity with God and non-believers to everlasting punishment apart from God. We believe Jesus will return to this Earth soon to rule and reign.

The importance of Bible prophecy: Approximately 27% of the Bible is prophetic. Out of the 66 books of the Bible, 62 contain prophetic material. Bible prophecy is 100% accurate and a powerful example to an unrepentant world that our God is alive and in control. Isaiah 46:9-10

Why does end-time Bible prophecy matter? In Matthew 24:44, Jesus said, “You must also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” As Christians, we understand just before Jesus returns to the Earth, there will be significant signs, geopolitical upheaval, economic turmoil, and worldwide disasters. There will also be a crescendo in spiritual deception. Jesus and the apostles warn about this numerous times. Matthew 24:4 and 1 John 4:1

Why is this important? Because the context of the scripture tells us that Jesus is looking for faithful followers who are occupying and serving Him. We must look at the world through the clear lens of scripture to understand what is happening. Bible prophecy encourages us to holy living and bold witnessing. Moreover, we are commanded by Jesus to care for the least of these. Understanding that Jesus is coming soon should give every believer a sense of urgency to love all people by boldly sharing the gospel and reaching out to care for people in need. Luke 14:23

Teaching sound doctrine on last days events doesn’t include date setting, false claims, Bible codes, or other sensationalism that doesn’t glorify God. Healthy end-time teaching is biblical, contextual, and Christ-centered. There are many biblically sound teachers in the area of eschatology. Visit our resources page to find a wealth of excellent bible based teaching on the last days and to connect with other Christ-honoring ministries.

Our view concerning Israel: We are opposed to replacement theology. The church hasn’t replaced Israel. God has plans for both the church and Israel in the last days. The Lord has plans for His people, as the Bible teaches in  Joel 3, Ezekiel 37, Daniel 9, and Romans 11. The modern state of Israel is a miracle. Isaiah 66:8 God’s hand on Israel is evident; from reviving an ancient language to regathering Jews from the corners of the globe to victory despite overwhelming odds in the Six-Day War, God’s words concerning the nation will be fulfilled. The Bible shows us Israel will play a central role in events leading up to the second coming. We believe Christians should pray for the Jewish people. We should be solid witnesses of the life-changing gospel to our Jewish friends.

We don’t have all the answers: While our ministry has certain views concerning Bible prophecy, we aren’t dogmatic. There are areas of eschatology Christians can agree to disagree on and maintain fellowship. However, a departure from sound doctrine is non-negotiable.

The Rapture: One area of specific concern is the subject of the rapture. We know there are brethren with varying views on this. Differing on the rapture’s timing is not a reason to break fellowship but rather an opportunity for great dialogue. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 On the other hand, denying there is a rapture is false teaching. We approach end-time Bible prophecy from a Premillennial standpoint.

Why does boldly preaching the gospel matter? It is the only thing that will matter in 100 years. Jesus commanded us to do so. In Matthew 28:16, Mark 16:15, and other verses, we are charged with bringing the gospel to the world. While we still have time, we must do the Lord’s work and reach people with the gospel. Jesus loves every single person we meet. We must love them by giving them the good news. Repentance is not often preached, but there is no salvation without it. Repentance certainly involves changing direction, but at its core, it means we see our sins and ourselves the way the holy God sees us. We don’t rationalize anymore because we realize we are wicked and wretched in God’s site. This godly sorrow produces repentance that leads to salvation without regret. When we present the gospel, we present the bad news and the good news. Acts 2:37-38

Evangelism and discipleship are central, and we have numerous discipleship resources to help new believers grow in their walk with the Lord.

Contact Us: Howard is available to preach the gospel in the Indianapolis-Midwest area as an itinerant minister in churches or a speaker at conferences related to Bible prophecy, discernment, and Christian living in light of the end times. For ministry inquiries or to contact us, click here.