What about US ? America in the End Times

America has been a prominent player on the world stage for over two hundred years and the undisputed superpower for decades. Why is it noticeably absent from the last days scenario and why can’t we find any apparent mention of America in Bible prophecy? Current events seem to be racing toward the last days with a domino effect-like speed. Many Christians, students of Bible prophecy, and people who want to know what the future holds are asking the same question: What about US?

The absence of the United States from the end-time scenario troubles many people. After all, world events and current headlines indicate the climax of this world as we know it. Since the US. is the prominent power in the world today, as we see events pointing toward the last days, it would seem logical that the US. would be woven all throughout prophetic scripture. This is not the case in the US. In fact, any mention of the western nations, the US. in particular is not apparent.

The prophet Ezekiel refers to nations involved in the coalition that comes against Israel in the last days. Ezekiel uses the names he would have been familiar with in his day, but they are all easily recognizable now. Russia, Iran (Persia), Libya, Turkey, Ethiopia, and others are all mentioned in these events. Isaiah refers to the burden of Damascus (Syria) as part of the end-time events. Now you don’t have to be a Bible scholar to see these nations have aligned themselves against the nation of Israel. Iran’s continued stonewalling and maneuvering regarding its nuclear program is just one glaring example of how close we are to some dark days ahead. Moreover, the Russian government seems bent on assisting Iran in obtaining nuclear weapons by providing it with scientists, technology, finances, and time…through groundless negotiations that will prove to be a farce in the near future.

With all of the unrest in the world, one can only wonder, where is the US as the world spirals toward a climax? Several excellent prophecy teachers conjecture there is a mention of America in prophecy. The passage is Ezekiel 38:13

It is possible that Tarshish could be a reference to Britain as some have mentioned. It is also in the realm of possibility that America could be one of the young lions because of our obvious connection to Britain. It’s not hard to imagine Great Britain, the US., and even the UAE or Saudis asking the question Ezekiel writes above. When you look at the geopolitical climate, it is clear that coalitions are forming and nations are aligning themselves according to what the prophets wrote thousands of years ago.

Is the US. alluded to as one of the bystanders in Ezekiel 38? No one can be absolutely certain, but there are some things we can be sure of just by reading these verses in context. First,  Israel will go it alone. The Bible is clear that as this evil coalition moves in from the north to attack a land-dwelling securely in unwalled villages, no nation will come to the aid of Israel. God himself will be Israel’s defender on that day. That in and of itself is a beautiful subject for another article. We want to look at why America is absent from Israel’s defense.  This writer believes it has much to do with the geopolitical position of our nation as we move forward in the days ahead.

Whether or not the US. is one of the ‘young lions’ mentioned in Ezekiel 38 or not, one thing is clear:   we won’t come to the aid of Israel. This would be unthinkable in years past. During the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israel was viciously attacked by her hostile Arab neighbors during one of the most important days on the Jewish calendar. At first, it seemed as though all was lost and the advancing Jordanian, Syrian, and Egyptian forces were closing in on every side. As divine providence would have it Israel prevailed, so much so that she drove the enemies back across the Sinai, Golan Heights, and the Jordan. The gains were so stunning that Soviet Premier Brezhnev warned President Nixon that Russia would intervene if Israel wouldn’t stand down.

President Nixon countered with a warning of his own to Brezhnev, which in effect told the Premier that Russia would have grave consequences if it intervened in the conflict. The President alerted our strategic nuclear forces, and thankfully the Russian government relented. The reason I tell that story is this:   America for the most part has been a friend, supporter, and strategic ally of Israel since here modern rebirth. We demonstrate this through military/financial aid and political support in the world community.

Here is the big issue:   It is becoming more and more difficult given the current political climate to see the US. as a friend who would be willing to risk it all for Israel if she were attacked. The Ezekiel 38 scenario seems to mirror that thought. In fact, there seems to be a group of nations in the periphery asking the invaders the question, “Have you come to seize spoil?” This doesn’t seem like some far-off concept anymore. Can you picture the resolutions that aren’t worth the paper they are written on and handwringing in the UN? The US. is war-weary after years in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is an obvious disdain among many people for Israel and unfounded/misplaced sympathy for her enemies, even among some evangelicals, which I find unthinkable and unscriptural. As I write this article, there is also the fact that we are saddled with over 17 trillion dollars in debt. It’s no wonder why the US is absent from the scene when Israel faces her gravest threat to date.

Other factors may certainly be a reason why the United States is not prominent in the last days narrative. Many prophecy teachers believe it is possible that the US. will trade her sovereignty to be part of the coalition mentioned in Daniel. It is more than plausible that the US. will be part of the ten-nation confederacy that will be formed as the Roman Empire is revived. There is substantial talk of a North American confederacy consisting of the US, Canada, Mexico, and even a common currency. It remains to be seen how everything will play out, but the Bible is clear that there will be huge changes ahead, which will eventuate a one-world government.

America is facing numerous threats at home and abroad. Some scholars believe the US. is seemingly absent from prophecy because of its possible destruction. North Korea, Iran, and China are all foes who seem to rattle off threats almost weekly. While our DOD budget is systematically reduced, China, Russia, and others are in a time of rapid build-up and modernization. These threats are numerous:  Dirty bombs, coordinated terrorist attacks, nuclear weapons unaccounted for, open borders, EMP threats natural or man-made, and even economic collapse. We have seen the horror of September 11th and its effect on our economy. A nuclear 9-11 or coordinated attack would drastically change the dominance we have long had into dependence overnight. This would also be a catalyst for America to be part of the confederacy of nations mentioned in Daniel. Losing our national sovereignty doesn’t seem to be a matter of if anymore, but how soon.

While on the subject of national security, I want to mention the importance of supporting Israel and the Jewish people. This nation has been an oasis for the Jewish people in the midst of an unwelcoming world for the most part. Moreover, we are the chief supporter of its military through hardware and strategic intelligence sharing.

This partnership with Israel seems more like a hostile divorce in recent years.

The US. seems focused on appeasing the EU, UN, and Arab nations all the while these folks vilify Israel as the reason there is no peace in the world today. It seems when things get out of hand, the Jews get blamed again. I love our nation and I love the title ‘American’, but I believe if the US. continues on its recent trajectory of action towards Israel, the country will come under judgment or it’s already beginning.

The Bible is clear about God’s love and care for Israel.  God’s position is diametrically opposed to the replacement theologians and social activists that seem to be invading the evangelical church. Here is what the Bible says about God’s feelings for His land and people in Genesis 12:1 and Joel 3:1

In light of what the Bible says about Israel, the US. must not be complicit with those who would divide God’s land. It’s just that simple. Moreover, as Christians, we should pray for the Jewish people and be a witness of the life-changing power of Jesus. Thinking about the United States, I know the dark days and prospects for the US. look dim. As Christians, we have greater hope and security than this nation, military, or leaders could ever give. We have complete security and hope in the Lord Jesus. No matter what lies ahead for this country we can be certain that we are in Him.

The scenario may be something along the lines of the U.S. weakening through a series of large-scale terror attacks, severe economic downturn/or collapse, or possibly being weakened as a result of war with Russia and/or China. Regardless, a moral free fall coupled with any one of these events will make America a second-class world citizen in short order. One thing is certain, we simply cannot find the world’s greatest superpower mentioned anywhere in scripture.

As a Bible prophecy teacher, if there is one thing I cannot stand for, it is creative writing when it comes to teaching the Bible. I won’t push something into scripture through sloppy exegesis, that isn’t in the Bible. Sensationalism, hype, Bible codes, and borderline fantasy writing may sell a lot of ‘End Times books, but that isn’t biblical teaching, it’s a worldly marketing scheme.

Thinking about all of the possible scenarios, one thing seems to be clear: I cannot find the United States in Bible prophecy. Looking through the clear lens of the Bible makes me come to the personal conclusion that:

The United States does not overtly seem to appear anywhere in Bible Prophecy, except where it appears collectively with “all Nations” coming against Israel. Zechariah 12:3

What does all of this mean for us? We are dual citizens. Our true eternal citizenship is in heaven. No matter what, we are not living for this world, but for the world to come. As I see this society get darker, immorality runs rampant, and signs pointing to the Lord’s return, I know our time is short. We don’t know the day or hour, but we know Jesus is coming soon. It’s not time to try to ‘take America back for Jesus’ or create some evangelical utopia. That is Churchianity, not Christianity. We must be focused on the task at hand and that is being effective, bold, loving witnesses for Jesus. That is the only thing that will make an eternal difference in people’s lives.

In the meantime, we should humble ourselves and pray for our country, its leaders, and what’s ahead. We should be responsible and vote for legislation that is in line with Biblical values. Remember that our faith is not in men, but in the name of the Lord, which remains forever.

Psalm 20:7   Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.

All for Him,

About Howard Green
I'm Howard Green, an evangelist and writer at Concerning The Times. My work has appeared in The Christian Post, Olive Tree Views, Rapture Ready, Levitt Letter, The Berean Call, and other Christian media and radio. I preach on evangelism, discernment, and bold Christian living in light of end-time Bible prophecy. I'm ordained and affiliated with Christian Ministerial Fellowship International-CMFI cmfi.org.uk. My wife Erika and I have four children and live in Carmel, Indiana.