This is not the time to sit back and relax or be an apathetic Christian. So the encouragement I want to give you is to understand the time we live in and to persevere under God’s providential hand in our time, even in these times of trouble.
End Times
We cannot be so short sighted and faithless to think that God has somehow been caught by surprise and is nervously pacing the floor in heaven because of an election outcome.
Friends, anytime there is unity for the sake of the greater good and togetherness at all costs, instead of God’s glory, we are at Babel.
Coronavirus is a sobering reminder that this world is broken by sin and death, but even in the midst of this global crisis, we still have hope because Jesus defeated death.
Coronavirus may come and go. I don’t know if it is one of the end-time pestilences Jesus warned would come, but I have no reason to believe it isn’t one. We may very well be approaching the birth pains and beginning of sorrows Jesus warned about.
Bible prophecy is being attacked from within the church by professing believers. Let’s take a closer look at the deception currently infiltrating the church that Jesus and the apostles warned us would come.
Anxiety feels like barbarians rioting in the streets of your mind. In part because anxiety presumes a great distance between God and my present concerns.
Satan is at work doing what he does best. He is stealing, killing, destroying and is very much undeterred by the politics of the day. Let’s look past the marches, party lines, and below the surface of the issue to the eternal damage being done in the name of choice.
It’s seems that many Christians are breathing a sigh of relief and feeling a sense of ‘peace and safety’ in recent weeks. I want to remind you that ‘the Day’ is still approaching