Jesus Defeated Death

The collective attention of the world has been on the current onslaught of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the instability, suffering, and death that has followed. As I write this article, millions of people are unemployed, approximately 1,015,877 people are infected, and over 55,000 people have died. As heartbreaking as these numbers are, they will increase exponentially in the coming days because of the aggressive nature of this disease. With the U.S. Government predicting between 100,000 to 240,000 deaths domestically, this has many people thinking about the possibility of dying and at the very least, coping with the loss of a loved one at this time. Death is an eventuality that most of us didn’t plan on confronting this soon, especially on a massive scale. Coronavirus is a sobering reminder that this world is broken by sin and death, but even in the midst of this global crisis, we still have hope because Jesus defeated death. 1 Corinthians 15:55

Over the past few weeks, we have been bombarded with news regarding the coronavirus. The information coming from television, social, and print media is overwhelming in scope regarding both good and bad news. Every day is filled with images of somber-faced officials trying to govern and besieged healthcare providers sacrificially doing all they can to help the sick and dying. Images of suffering and death from this pandemic are coming from Italy, Spain, and now New York and the unfolding crisis looks more like a scene from 1918, not 2020. Some people are using this crisis to profiteer by hoarding items critical to health and safety, then reselling them at exorbitant prices. Just as debase, are the scenes of people pummeling one another over limited grocery items. At times like this, the wretchedness of the human heart is easy to see.

Even as this crisis unfolds, there are also innumerable examples of human kindness that rival anything I’ve seen in my lifetime. People are bringing groceries to their elderly neighbors and sewing masks for doctors and nurses. Moreover, people are doing all they can to spread encouragement to others. Poems, pictures of Spring flowers, cute videos of babies, and acts of compassion are everywhere on social media. As wonderful as these examples are, there is still a great sense of despondency and fear overshadowing our world that can’t be remedied by even the best of human efforts. This is where the gospel is paramount. People in the world need to know that Jesus defeated death! John 11:25-26

Dear believer, current trends in search engine data show a dramatic increase in inquiries for topics such as prayer, how to pray, Jesus, judgment, hopeless, and help are all pointing to people literally searching for answers.

What does this mean for Christians and the unsaved? For the Christian, it means that the fields are white for harvest. We have an opportunity to share the gospel with people, many of whom are desperately searching for answers right now. Many unsaved people throughout the world are asking questions about eternity. Christians are uniquely equipped to give them clear answers based on the Word of God. In this current climate of uncertainty and fear, we can witness to people with compassion and boldness because Jesus defeated death. 1 Corinthians 15:21-22

For the unsaved, the good news is that they can repent and come to saving faith in Jesus. His blood will cleanse them from every sin. They will go from being an enemy of God and will become one of His adoptive children as a son or daughter. This is truly an amazing grace that people need to know about.

It’s so great to see Christians using virtual meeting platforms, social media, YouTube, and live streaming to bring the gospel to people. Moreover, we are seeing in real-time that a building doesn’t make a church, because believers are meeting in homes and virtually like never before. One thing we are seeing as a result of this crisis is a renewed interest in the house church movement and that is certainly a biblical model to consider. The church is made up of true Christians who have one primary purpose, to go and make disciples and in so doing, bring glory to God. I want to encourage you as these perilous days continue, to pray, read the Bible, love, and witness with renewed zeal because Jesus is coming soon. Matthew 24:45-46

As we approach Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Easter, we are doing so at a time when we face a global health crisis that is unlike anything else in both scope and magnitude in recent decades. Many unsaved people are desperately searching for answers. Dear Christian friend, now is not the time for business as usual. The world doesn’t need to see any more plastic Christianity. It doesn’t need overused Christianese platitudes, endless programs, or emotionally driven man-made movements. The world needs Jesus. In this climate of fear, hopelessness, and death, the world needs to be confronted with the risen Christ. Jesus defeated death 2,000 years ago and this world needs to know Him. Let’s be salt and light in this increasingly dark world. Colossians 4:5-6

As bad as things are right now, you can still have true peace and joy. Look at what the Bible says about what awaits those who love the Lord: Revelation 21:3-4 There will be no more tears, mourning, pain, or death, for the former things have passed away. The name of Jesus is stronger than coronavirus and death. Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday and remember to let people know about Jesus!

If you want to know more about following Jesus, please click here.

All for Him,


About Howard Green
I'm Howard Green, an evangelist and writer at Concerning The Times. My work has appeared in The Christian Post, Olive Tree Views, Rapture Ready, Levitt Letter, The Berean Call, and other Christian media and radio. I preach on evangelism, discernment, and bold Christian living in light of end-time Bible prophecy. I'm ordained and affiliated with Christian Ministerial Fellowship International-CMFI My wife Erika and I have four children and live in Carmel, Indiana.