

    * Thank you for your interest in Concerning The Times. We appreciate our readers and look forward to hearing from you. If this ministry has strengthened your walk with the Lord, contact us…we would love to know.

    * Do you need access to a Bible or would like for us to stand in prayer with you? Feel free to contact us and we would be happy to help.

    * Do you have questions about Jesus? We have readers around the world and many are searching for answers just as you are. The Are You Saved page provides information about following Jesus or feel free to contact us.

    * If you have decided to trust Jesus as your Savior and follow Him, please share the good news with us. Seeing people come to Jesus is central to this ministry and the main reason we exist.

    * Thank you for contacting Concerning The Times, we look forward to hearing from you.

    * For inquiries, questions or to contact us regarding ministry, use this page. Currently, I’m limited to preaching in churches and conferences in the Midwest.