The SCOTUS has let me, and many others, down in the recent rejection of the Texas vs. Pennsylvania hearing on the evidence of election irregularities and on the usurping of the authority of state legislatures. As a patriot, an immigrant, and a citizen who loves this country, I would have…
Friends, anytime there is unity for the sake of the greater good and togetherness at all costs, instead of God’s glory, we are at Babel.
Perhaps many of you, like me, know of believing brothers and sisters for whom the internet has become their church, and they rarely, if ever attend meetings where they meet with other believers in person.
Coronavirus is a sobering reminder that this world is broken by sin and death, but even in the midst of this global crisis, we still have hope because Jesus defeated death.
Coronavirus may come and go. I don’t know if it is one of the end-time pestilences Jesus warned would come, but I have no reason to believe it isn’t one. We may very well be approaching the birth pains and beginning of sorrows Jesus warned about.
Bible prophecy is being attacked from within the church by professing believers. Let’s take a closer look at the deception currently infiltrating the church that Jesus and the apostles warned us would come.
Red wave, blue wave, and political rhetoric all pale in comparison to where lost souls will be one hundred years from now. It’s a bit disheartening to see nationally known evangelical leaders spearheading political rallies instead of focussing on spreading the gospel.
Much of the popular preaching and teaching about God in our day portrays him as a soft, mild-mannered Shepherd who doesn’t see our sins through holy eyes but winks at them instead.