In the last article: Is Bible Prophecy Relevant? Part 1, we looked at the word of God and reaffirmed what many of us already know. Not only is Bible prophecy relevant, but it also points directly to the centrality of Jesus, the gospel, and the urgency of the great commission. In part 2 we will think about living in light of Bible prophecy and what that looks like in our daily Christian walk. We will finish by taking a realistic look at present conditions and asking an all-important question. Now let’s look together at: Is Bible Prophecy Relevant? Part 2.
As believers, we know that Jesus is coming back soon. In the last article, we noted that Jesus told us this three times in Revelation 22. Knowing that the Lord may come back at any moment has been a reality check for the church for centuries now. Looking at the newspapers, the point becomes clear: things cannot go on this way much longer. Even among many non-Christians, there is a sense that some perilous times are ahead. Now there are some who scoff at the notion that God is going to judge the world. After all, they view Him as far off, out of touch, and perhaps a bit antiquated. That is because they don’t know Him and in following their heart, they are taking God’s loving mercy for granted, not realizing, righteous judgment will fall just as He said it would. 2 Peter 3:3
The Bible is brimming with an exhortation on how to live in light of the Lord’s soon return. In the same chapter, Peter makes it clear how we should conduct our lives: 2 Peter 3:10
As born-again Christians, our eternity is secure because the atoning blood of the savior has been applied to our sins and we are declared not guilty by the Father. We believed, confessed, repented, and now we are on this walk many had taken before us called the Christian life. The story doesn’t end at our conversion. We aren’t to simply declare: “I’m in!” and wander aimlessly until we get to heaven. Bible prophecy and biblically sound end-time teaching make this new reality crystal clear. God saved us because he loves us and sent His own Son to bridge the gap between our sin and His holiness. He saved us and now we can bring glory to Him. How can we do this? One great way is to live in this cold dark world as salt and light. We can do this in many ways. One way is by our conduct in this life: Look at the last few verses in 2 Peter we noted above. We are to live lives of holiness and godliness because we are waiting for the coming of the day of God.
Jesus told many parables, among which several warn us to be ready. He may come back at any moment to take the church home. That’s not fantasy, wishful thinking, or escapism, it’s a sobering reality. Knowing the Lord can return at any moment should move us to action. Jesus commands His servants to be watching and waiting. We are to be awake and ready. Luke 12:35 and Luke 12:47
We are commanded throughout the New Testament to watch, be ready, and stay awake. Why? Because the Lord will return and what we do in this life counts for eternity. When? No one knows the day or the hour, but as believers, we can read what the prophets and apostles wrote. We can look at the decaying world around us, deteriorating geopolitical conditions, and even increasing apostate behavior among some churches and know that we are indeed in the last days.
This is where our next point comes into focus. We have looked at how we should live as believers in light of the Lord’s return, now let’s look at a few key signs of its nearness.
First, we need only look around and know that a different gospel is being taught. It is a fact that this has been with us since the 1st century, but now apostates aren’t sneaking into back doors, rather, they are boldly proclaiming it before thousands. Some spread the gospel of prosperity, others the gospel of social justice, and still others…the gospel of the goodness of humanity.
Friends, any so-called gospel that departs from the centrality of the atoning work of Jesus on the cross and that alone for salvation, is a false gospel.
Second: Geopolitical conditions and natural disasters are accelerating and intensifying. I covered this in-depth in an earlier article called Birth Pains are Increasing. But I want to reiterate what many of us are already discerning in the world today. War, famine, pestilence, and earthquakes make the headlines daily, not just weekly or monthly anymore. I want to key in on war for just a moment. People will rightly mention that war has always been with us and even point to the last century with its two world wars. Why is war different now? The sad reality is that Rwanda, the Balkans, and even ISIS show us that humanity, without God, is bent on evil. The difference now is that it’s only in the last 40 years we have acquired the capability of wiping out most if not all of humanity. I believe that fact alone along with the threat from rogue nations, extremists, and despots getting their hands on such weaponry is another clear sign that Jesus is coming soon.
Third: May 14th, 1948 was the fulfillment of ancient prophecy in Ezekiel, Isaiah, and others heralding the beginning of the end. Bible prophecy which dealt with Israel being back in her land and the Lord’s judgment of the invading nations bent on its destruction could not possibly be fulfilled until the Jewish people were restored to their ancient homeland. When we look at the miracle that is modern Israel after 1,900 years of diaspora, along with current global conditions, and a growing defection from the true gospel of Christ’s atonement alone, we must conclude that our time to work here is short. Luke 14:16
You and I are walking through this life as Christians to the glory of God. We are alert, awake, watchful, and obedient. While this world is living one way, we are living for the world to come. The world is watching how we live. People at work, school, neighbors, and perhaps unsaved spouses and children. A life marked by godliness, purity, and a crushed heart for the lost. There is a consensus among many respected Bible teachers and prophecy scholars that we are nearing the time of the Lord’s return. As I mentioned before, solid biblical teaching doesn’t include date setting. We can discern the times we live in through the clear lens of scripture. In thinking about the nearness of Jesus’ return, doesn’t it make you want to tell everyone? What do we risk if we take a stand and tell others about the gospel and coming judgment? Do we risk ridicule, gossip, undermining, job demotion, being ‘cool’, a relationship, or any number of other ways the world will deal with a true Christian?
What has it cost you to share the gospel and what has it cost me? Whatever it costs pales in comparison to the joy and amazing things the Lord has in store for us. We will live in His presence forever, this life is just a fleeting moment in the scope of eternity. Not only that, heaven and hell are the only available options for a person when they die. That is my final point. Jesus may come back at any moment or ten years from now, we don’t know. What we do know is everyone is facing eternity right now. People are one heartbeat away from eternity; death can come at anytime. In all probability, very few people reading this article will be here in 90 years if Jesus tarries. So it’s fair to say that no one is far from eternity and coming judgment. Knowing this, let’s tell everyone possible about the reality of heaven, hell, judgment, repentance, forgiveness, and a new life in Christ. 1 Peter 3:15
Before we finish this article I want to address those of you who aren’t sure where you will spend eternity. When you look at the growing darkness in the world and see perilous times are coming….do you worry about the future? I was worried at one time and many of our readers were fearful about where they would spend eternity as well. The question every person needs to ask themselves is: Am I ready to stand before Jesus? He is coming as Savior and judge. He is the savior of all who makes Him their Lord, but He is also the coming judge to those who have rejected His gift of salvation. Are you ready to meet Him? If you don’t know Jesus, His invitation to become your Lord is still open right now. The Bible says that today is the day of salvation. Friend, if you found this article I don’t believe it was by mistake. God loves you, is pursuing you, and sent Jesus to punish your sin upon Himself on the cross. Please take a moment and consider asking Jesus to be your Lord. If you want to take that step, visit the: Are you saved page.
Jesus is coming soon, time is short, and there are many people who need to know Him. Is Bible Prophecy Relevant? We can answer yes with complete confidence.
All for Him,