Urgent Prayer Request from a Fellow Minister & Friend in Democratic Republic of Congo. *Update*

Please pass the link to this article (prayer request) on to as many people as possible and your local church to cover this situation in fervent prayer.

Dear Friends of Concerning The Times. Please join Erika and me in praying for this urgent need. Pastor Silas (pseudonym) is a Congolese minister and a dear friend of mine. He lives with his wife and children in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo near the border with Rwanda. The M23 rebel army has been raping and killing many people as they gain territory. They are moving closer to where Pastor Silas lives and ministers to many vulnerable people. There are reports of corpses in the streets, and this situation seems reminiscent of the early stages of the 1994 genocide. The problem is complex, and I’ve never heard of the M23 army before, but there is animosity stemming from the 1994 genocide and unresolved issues.

While there are no significant indications that the current situation will escalate to that level of human destruction, it doesn’t diminish the fact that many people are suffering and being killed in the DRC. This prayer request is based on firsthand knowledge of the situation from Pastor Silas and confirmed by other trusted ministerial friends. US and international media have picked up on the deteriorating situation in the DRC, and I’ll link to several recent reports below. Unfortunately, the US, UK, and other Western governments are mainly silent on African people’s suffering but are eager to make deals on raw materials, which is shameful.

I want to thank each of our ministry followers as you join us in praying for the people of the DRC, my friend, Pastor Silas, and other affiliated ministry friends and their families. I will inform everyone as more details become available and post the updates below. Maranatha.

All for Him,

Howard & Erika

Click here to link to the Christian Post coverage

Click here for the Africa Asian News report

Click here for a news report from The Guardian

UpdateMarch 18, 2025: Pastor Silas informs me that the situation in the DRC is still perilous because of the violent M23 army. He told me that the Wazalendo fighters (loyalists to the DRC government) and the “good guys,” as he puts it, are moving closer to Bukavu to confront the M23 army. Please continue to pray for Pastor Silas and other believers in the DRC.

Update – March 23, 2025, I just received an update from my friend Pastor Silas today and want to share it with our Concerning The Times friends so you can stand with us in prayer for this dear pastor and friend in the Democratic Republic of Congo. We will continue to keep you informed as updates become available. Here’s Pastor Silas’ latest update:

Dearest faithful friends in the Lord Jesus, The Wazalendo are working hard to chase out the M23, and we hope this will take place soon.

The situation in Bukavu is very tough, for almost every day, people are being killed and the women are being violated. Food prices are getting higher day after day. So the situation isn’t pleasant at all. The prayers of the Saints are very much appreciated.

I really appreciate the love in Christ for us. He is a faithful Lord and will do something special for the glory of His name.

Yours in Him,

Pastor Silas

About Howard Green
I'm Howard Green, an evangelist and writer at Concerning The Times. My work has appeared in The Christian Post, Olive Tree Views, Rapture Ready, Levitt Letter, The Berean Call, and other Christian media and radio. I preach on evangelism, discernment, and bold Christian living in light of end-time Bible prophecy. I'm ordained and affiliated with Christian Ministerial Fellowship International-CMFI cmfi.org.uk. My wife Erika and I have four children and live in Carmel, Indiana.