What I’m aiming for is a holy sense of urgency. Roughly 175,000 people die and go into eternity every day. People’s souls are literally hanging in the balance between heaven and hell. We don’t have a moment to waste.
Wrath Repentance & salvation
Much of the popular preaching and teaching about God in our day portrays him as a soft, mild-mannered Shepherd who doesn’t see our sins through holy eyes but winks at them instead.
The Bible is full of warnings about the judgement and wrath to come. In God’s patience and mercy….He waits for more people to come to repentance
Judgement, repentance, and atonement are three words that are the very core of what the good news is all about.
It’s like most people in our day are collectively thinking the same thing about the future: “We have peace and safety.”
No…not even a lifetime of volunteering and good deeds will get you to God in heaven. You can’t say enough “Hail Marys” or go to enough confessionals, or spend enough time in purgatory to earn your salvation.
This writer believes there is a direct correlation between the diminishing popularity of the repentance message today and the ultimate widespread rejection of repentance by most during the Great Tribulation.