China’s growing economic, technological, and military power makes it the elephant in the world’s living room that we can’t ignore. Let’s examine how China’s rise in the end-times could affect us as individuals and globally. This should be a wake-up call to all of humanity, especially Christians.
Wars and Rumors of Wars
As the United States military continues it’s decline, we are witnessing the world become a much more dangerous place for us. We seem to be abandoning our allies and rolling out the red carpet of appeasement for our enemies.
How do these recent developments tie together and how might they fit into the end time scenario? No one can be certain, but I have noticed that this is the first time in history when the events written in Ezekiel 38 could possibly take place.
The only “provocation” evil Islamist need to justify acts of terror on innocent women, children, and Christians……is for people not to bow the knee and convert to Islam.
Benjamin Netanyahu, some conservative congressman, and certainly Christians who understand Bible prophecy are sounding the alarm… they see the west making a deal with the devil.
We need to take a realistic look at the dangers posed to Israel and the prophetic implications of this enemy in the vicinity of the Jewish State.
I believe is setting the stage for the ultimate global conflict which is the Battle of Armageddon. The Bible describes a massive coalition moving in from the east toward the nation of Israel. We will look at the ultimate showdown that brings history to a close near the end of this article.
When we step back and view current events through the lens of scripture, the things taking place in recent weeks and months seem less random and more like they are belonging to the end time scenario. We will cover several topics and focus on two that are certainly prophetic in scope. Here is the current Global Situation Update:
Current events seem to be racing toward the last days with domino effect like speed. Many Christians, students of Bible prophecy, and people who want to know what the future holds are asking the same question: What about US ?