Friends, anytime there is unity for the sake of the greater good and togetherness at all costs, instead of God’s glory, we are at Babel.
Red wave, blue wave, and political rhetoric all pale in comparison to where lost souls will be one hundred years from now. It’s a bit disheartening to see nationally known evangelical leaders spearheading political rallies instead of focussing on spreading the gospel.
Much of the popular preaching and teaching about God in our day portrays him as a soft, mild-mannered Shepherd who doesn’t see our sins through holy eyes but winks at them instead.
When you compromise on Jesus, you are not evangelizing. You might as well rename your church or ministry, the cultural center for interfaith cooperation.
With all of our grandiose mission statements to “win the world for Jesus”, oftentimes we forget that we are to be salt and light to those right here in our own town.
If we are to teach, preach, and disciple biblically, we must break ranks and not emulate what is being done by many leaders in the church growth movement.
When a believer understands the brevity and foolishness of this world compared to the one to come, holy living flourishes.
The difference with ‘kingdom regifting’ is that we keep the original gift, but this priceless treasure simply and beautifully replicates itself over and over again by God’s grace and mercy.