Carnal Christianity

Peddling Jesus

They are selling the features and benefits of “the Christian life.” At the end of the day, I believe time will show that they are creating consumers….not making disciples. They are selling a “Christian lifestyle”……not pointing the way to the crucified life.

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Called Out of Darkness

It’s a sad day when the lines between many who call themselves “Christian” and people in this dark world are virtually indistinguishable. Our generation is marked by pseudo-Christians who are dabbling in the darkness instead of being called out of darkness.

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Under the Radar

Why should we be concerned that we are living in a day when George Clooney’s wedding receives more media coverage than recent a terrorist attack and for a greater period of time? Maybe it’s because those of us who are watching and waiting for the Lord’s return see an increase in pivotal events that are going by unnoticed…..under the radar.

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Churchianity isn’t Christianity

What do the great actors of film have to do with last days Christianity? Quite a lot because we are living in a day when it’s not easy to differentiate between the true followers of Jesus and those who are simply Christian actors. I don’t know what motivates one to be a pretender instead of the real thing. One thing is certain: Churchianity isn’t Christianity.

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