King David: The Sinner and the Man After God’s Heart

I was asked the other day, “How can a man like King David, who has committed awful sins, still be called a man after God’s heart?” Good question. What is particular about David that pleased the Lord? I thought of his steadfast faith in God’s goodness, power, and character during times of trial, which may be part of the answer. However, I realized the revelation comes from David himself when, on the brink of death, he pleads in Psalm 30:9: “What profit is there in my blood, if I go down to the pit? Will the dust praise you? Will it tell of your faithfulness?”

This prayer reveals David’s primary goal in life: the glory of God, to proclaim God’s true character, power, salvation, and greatness to all nations. His desire for God to be seen in His full power and character was a driving force in his life, as evidenced in his darkest hours.

I believe that is the main reason he was chosen as a man after God’s heart.

This zeal for God’s name is further illustrated in the story of Goliath. When David confronted the giant, it wasn’t just a battle for Israel’s survival. It was a defense of God’s honor. David’s indignation at Goliath’s defiance of the living God propelled him into a fight that seasoned warriors feared. His motivation was clear: “that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel” (1 Samuel 17:46). David’s actions were driven by a passion for God’s reputation and glory, above his own recognition.

David’s character, riddled with flaws, highlights an important spiritual truth: our zeal for God’s glory can transcend our personal struggles with sin. David committed serious sins, including adultery and murder, yet his sincere repentance and unrelenting desire for God’s name to be exalted set him apart. His psalms are filled with pleas for mercy and declarations of God’s righteousness, showing a heart that, despite its failings, sought alignment with God’s will and purpose.

Ultimately, what pleases God is not perfection but a heart that yearns for His glory. David’s life teaches us that while our sinfulness is a significant part of our human condition, our dedication to glorifying God can triumph over our flaws. His story encourages us to seek God’s heart fervently, to desire His glory above all, and to trust that God values a repentant and zealous spirit.

David’s legacy is a powerful reminder that our personal struggles and imperfections do not disqualify us from being people after God’s own heart. It is our earnest desire to exalt His name and our genuine repentance that bring us closer to Him. In striving for God’s glory, we find the true measure of a heart aligned with the divine.

About Erika Green
Wife of Howard Green, the founder of, mom, and a physician. Found security and joy in complete surrendering to God's will through his Word.