Bible prophecy is being attacked from within the church by professing believers. Let’s take a closer look at the deception currently infiltrating the church that Jesus and the apostles warned us would come.
Instead of hearing the gospel that leads to heart transformation, many receive confirmation they really aren’t that bad, in fact, they are misled into believing they are pretty good people after all.
With all of our grandiose mission statements to “win the world for Jesus”, oftentimes we forget that we are to be salt and light to those right here in our own town.
If we are to teach, preach, and disciple biblically, we must break ranks and not emulate what is being done by many leaders in the church growth movement.
For if, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overpowered, the last state has become worse for them than the first.
This nation kicked the Lord God out decades ago and now judgement is forthcoming. America, God has given you over.
The Bible is full of warnings about the judgement and wrath to come. In God’s patience and mercy….He waits for more people to come to repentance
Judgement, repentance, and atonement are three words that are the very core of what the good news is all about.
It’s like most people in our day are collectively thinking the same thing about the future: “We have peace and safety.”