lukewarm christians

Don’t Diminish Jesus’ Name

In a culture full of half-truths, my truth, and no truth, believers need to live lives of clarity, authenticity, and spiritual boldness. Moreover, we need to live in a way that doesn’t obscure the good news and diminish the name of Jesus with tepid, religious, and hypocritical behavior.

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Scoffers Will Come

We want to focus on here is the elephant in the middle of the evangelical livingroom. The elephant in the room is the continued ignoring of sound end time Bible prophecy teaching.

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Called Out of Darkness

It’s a sad day when the lines between many who call themselves “Christian” and people in this dark world are virtually indistinguishable. Our generation is marked by pseudo-Christians who are dabbling in the darkness instead of being called out of darkness.

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No Room In The Middle

In the wide world of all inclusive ecumenical feel good religion….it’s ok to say God, Lord, in his name, and the almighty. It’s fine to mention Buddha, Mohammed, or simply express your spirituality. Mention Jesus and you will raise eyebrows. Say he is the only way and you will be maligned or worse. Say the name of Jesus: it will cost you. As a follower of Jesus….there is no room in the middle.

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