false gospel

There’s Nothing new about the New Age Movement

When we take a realistic look at the new age movement it becomes clear that it’s teachings are reconstituted and regurgitated doctrines of demons from the past. The only difference now is they are repackaged in the shiny boxes and bows of self realization, intellect, and inclusion.

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Churchianity isn’t Christianity

What do the great actors of film have to do with last days Christianity? Quite a lot because we are living in a day when it’s not easy to differentiate between the true followers of Jesus and those who are simply Christian actors. I don’t know what motivates one to be a pretender instead of the real thing. One thing is certain: Churchianity isn’t Christianity.

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Spiritual Deception

For centuries, people have reached inward and upward in hopes of finding something to satisfy the deepest longings of our human heart……..a satisfaction only Jesus Christ can bring. When people look anywhere else but to Jesus for spiritual satisfaction, Satan does what he does best and comes as an angel of light to deceive people into following the (god) of this world, not the one true God. This is last days spiritual deception.

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The Prosperity Gospel VS. Taking up Your Cross.

God has a big dream for your life. God is positive, there is nothing negative about him. God wants to increase you financially, by giving you promotions, fresh ideas, and creativity. – Joel Osteen If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow…

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