Jesus said one of the signs of the end times is the love of many growing cold. We are rapidly approaching a time when brothers and sisters in the Lord will offend, betray, and hate one another. This is a call for true unity and genuine love among believers when love grows cold.
false gospel
Have we been so collectively swayed by the church growth gurus, vision casters, and directional teams that we’ve taken our eyes off the great commission? Looking at conditions in much of modern Christianity, the answer is yes.
Satan is using spiritual mass deception to fool the world, even many professing Christians. The cost of spiritual deception is far greater than being conned by counterfeit currency because it has eternal implications.
What I’m aiming for is a holy sense of urgency. Roughly 175,000 people die and go into eternity every day. People’s souls are literally hanging in the balance between heaven and hell. We don’t have a moment to waste.
We cannot be so short sighted and faithless to think that God has somehow been caught by surprise and is nervously pacing the floor in heaven because of an election outcome.
God doesn’t want us to feel better about ourselves, but to have a realistic view of how wretched we really are. Unfortunately, many people are being led astray by churches and leaders who are presenting a different Jesus to the world.
Instead of hearing the gospel that leads to heart transformation, many receive confirmation they really aren’t that bad, in fact, they are misled into believing they are pretty good people after all.
The problem is that the Bible never promises anyone your best life now, but it promises believers that in this life we will have tribulation, that Jesus is coming soon and he will repay us according to what we have done.
When you compromise on Jesus, you are not evangelizing. You might as well rename your church or ministry, the cultural center for interfaith cooperation.