It is a fact that many of these prophecy conferences charge upwards of $50.00 and $100.00. Dear friends, this isn’t a nominal love offering at the door; this is profiteering in the name of Jesus.
End Times
This article isn’t meant to make sensational predictions but to take Jesus’ repeated warnings seriously, and consider how we would transform the way we live if we knew He was going to return tomorrow.
A person’s average attention span is 8.25 seconds. Jesus warns us about the days ahead getting so bad, that people’s hearts will fail them because of fear of what’s coming. God will get the world’s attention.
With technological advances and AI, the ability to deceive the masses with an image empowered by Satan seems like something that could happen at almost any moment.
Have we been so collectively swayed by the church growth gurus, vision casters, and directional teams that we’ve taken our eyes off the great commission? Looking at conditions in much of modern Christianity, the answer is yes.
I don’t consider myself a prepper, but a person who looks at the realities we face through the lens of scripture and reacts accordingly. I don’t see living the Christian life and being prepared as mutually exclusive.
What I’m aiming for is a holy sense of urgency. Roughly 175,000 people die and go into eternity every day. People’s souls are literally hanging in the balance between heaven and hell. We don’t have a moment to waste.
If we are serious about reaching this world, let’s follow in the footsteps of Jesus and the apostles and preach where sinners gather. In thirty minutes, a good open-air preacher can reach more sinners than the average church does in twelve months!
This is not the time to sit back and relax or be an apathetic Christian. So the encouragement I want to give you is to understand the time we live in and to persevere under God’s providential hand in our time, even in these times of trouble.