A realistic look at our world will attest the fact that godlessness is rampant and has reached epidemic proportions.
end time bible prophecy
We want to focus on here is the elephant in the middle of the evangelical livingroom. The elephant in the room is the continued ignoring of sound end time Bible prophecy teaching.
There is a consensus among many respected Bible teachers and prophecy scholars that we are nearing the time of the Lord’s return.
What we will look at now is the elephant in the room. It’s a growing trend to negate Bible prophecy in our day. Believers need to answer this question with clarity and boldness:
Is Bible prophecy relevant?
What do the great actors of film have to do with last days Christianity? Quite a lot because we are living in a day when it’s not easy to differentiate between the true followers of Jesus and those who are simply Christian actors. I don’t know what motivates one to be a pretender instead of the real thing. One thing is certain: Churchianity isn’t Christianity.
A nuclear weapon in the wrong hands, an attack on Israel, or blockading a vital waterway for oil transit is unthinkable….yet quite likely. Any of these events would most certainly trigger a: middle east meltdown.
For centuries, people have reached inward and upward in hopes of finding something to satisfy the deepest longings of our human heart……..a satisfaction only Jesus Christ can bring. When people look anywhere else but to Jesus for spiritual satisfaction, Satan does what he does best and comes as an angel of light to deceive people into following the (god) of this world, not the one true God. This is last days spiritual deception.