Dear Friends,
I want to introduce you to Christian Ministerial Fellowship International. CMFI is an organization of like-minded pastors, evangelists, ministries, and other individuals who have purposed to join together for accountability, fellowship, encouragement, and if applicable, ordination and credentials.
I have been a ministerial member of CMFI since 2017 and I can tell you wholeheartedly that my time associated with other members has been a great blessing to me and this ministry. Please allow me to give you a brief background about why I joined CMFI:
Over the last decade, I’ve noticed, as I’m certain many of you have, an increasing departure from sound doctrine and the centrality of Jesus. This is true in many churches globally, locally, and in a growing number of ministers. As a church member who was seeking a biblical local church and as a minister who wanted like-minded affiliation, I realized that remnant Christians are farther and fewer between. I marveled at the number of emails I received and comments I’ve read on other solid Christian websites that had the same basic sentiment: I can’t seem to find a biblical local church, fellowship, or ministers to associate with. That’s not to say that God doesn’t have His people everywhere, because we know He does. It was this desire for true Christian fellowship that led me to seek the Lord’s direction in finding such an organization.
So after seeking the Lord’s will and prayerful consideration, I came across CMFI. While CMFI is based in the UK, I was pleased to learn that there are numerous fellow members globally, including in Asia, Africa, and the US. Although our numbers are small in North America, the ability to connect via Facetime, email, and other venues has made the miles between ministers around the world seem negligible. There is no true distance between us thanks to the Holy Spirit. Moreover, We’ve been amazed at the personal connections my wife and I have made with fellow ministers, their wives, and other members. The prayers, kindness, friendship, and encouragement we’ve experienced with others have been a great blessing.
The purpose of CMFI: CMFI exists to advance the Christian faith by establishing a fellowship for the furtherance and propagation and practice of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through associated Biblical churches and ministries.
There are several different membership categories including ministerial, associate, supporters, and affiliations. A few more things to know before considering applying for membership:
CMFI exists to establish a fellowship for the furtherance and propagation and practice of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ through associated Biblical churches and ministries.
To ordain Christian ministers, and to furnish ministerial credentials.
To offer support to members in their pastoral roles.
To provide fellowship and accountability for the benefit of the members and associate members.
CMFI’s call is to meet the spiritual needs of its members. CMFI does not therefore offer nor provide practical charitable support or funding to its members.
I want to warmly invite you to explore and apply for CMFI membership. If you would like to learn more about CMFI and you are in North America, feel free to reach out to me on the Concerning The Times ‘Contact Us’ page and I’d be happy to connect with you and answer any questions. Outside of North America, please go to the CMFI website link here: https://www.cmfi.org.uk
Every blessing in Jesus, Howard