America is sinking to the point of doing the same as sacrificing our babies to Molech! The US and other western nations that allow abortions will inevitably face the judgment of God for our brutality toward the unborn.
Typhoon Haiyan was one of the strongest storms on record and part of a growing number of extreme weather events reminding us of the nearness of Jesus’ return.
When we examine the evidence and look at the facts about Palestine, we must come to the conclusion: There was never a Palestine or a Palestinian people.
The only “provocation” evil Islamist need to justify acts of terror on innocent women, children, and Christians……is for people not to bow the knee and convert to Islam.
The tide of public opinion is rapidly turning against true Bible believing Christians. It is time for followers of Jesus to get ready for persecution in the West.
Based on the evidence in scripture, I believe the only thing that will matter in 100 years is where we will be and who we will be with. If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you will be with Him in heaven at the moment you die or are raptured.
Hell is not a popular subject, but it’s one that demands our attention. Unfortunately, it is a subject rarely discussed in churches today. That is a shame…given the eternal consequences and the reality of hell.
It seems clear that the tide of public tolerance is turning towards tolerating virtually every group except Christians.
What is an un-bridled tongue indicative of, why it’s an epidemic in the last days, and why should we use our communication for God’s glory alone?