This nation kicked the Lord God out decades ago and now judgement is forthcoming. America, God has given you over.
I’m simply jealous for the rightful place of ‘church’ and ‘fellowship’ in Christian life because many are becoming social hubs, not places of prayer, evangelism, and discipleship.
You can have a giant flashing screen with the word Jesus, pulsating music, and a light show that rivals all others, but the still small voice desires true worship.
The false narrative that is replacement theology is spreading like gangrene through evangelical circles.
Men, Satan wants to devour you, destroy your family, wreck you marriage, and obliterate your children.
The Bible is full of warnings about the judgement and wrath to come. In God’s patience and mercy….He waits for more people to come to repentance
Mormons are (not) Christians and we cannot engage in Christian fellowship just because they name the name of Jesus. They represent a different Jesus. We should reach out to them in love and be a bold witness for the gospel and Jesus.
As the United States military continues it’s decline, we are witnessing the world become a much more dangerous place for us. We seem to be abandoning our allies and rolling out the red carpet of appeasement for our enemies.
Judgement, repentance, and atonement are three words that are the very core of what the good news is all about.