God doesn’t want us to feel better about ourselves, but to have a realistic view of how wretched we really are. Unfortunately, many people are being led astray by churches and leaders who are presenting a different Jesus to the world.
After I watched the news last night and thought about the horrific things people do to one another, I turned off the television and lamented: Are they getting away with murder?
Instead of hearing the gospel that leads to heart transformation, many receive confirmation they really aren’t that bad, in fact, they are misled into believing they are pretty good people after all.
Love for Jesus and other people is the motive for meeting desperate needs. As believers, we can’t simply look away, ignore needs, or say ‘be filled.’ We need to show people the love of Jesus while we still have time left to do so.
Anxiety feels like barbarians rioting in the streets of your mind. In part because anxiety presumes a great distance between God and my present concerns.
The problem is that the Bible never promises anyone your best life now, but it promises believers that in this life we will have tribulation, that Jesus is coming soon and he will repay us according to what we have done.
A realistic look at our world will attest the fact that godlessness is rampant and has reached epidemic proportions.
A growing number of fellowships are following the course of this world despite repeated warnings to change direction. This is what happens when the church begins embracing the spirit of the age.
There is a day coming when commerce and worship will be intrinsically linked. It will be a time when buying or selling requires worship.