A nuclear weapon in the wrong hands, an attack on Israel, or blockading a vital waterway for oil transit is unthinkable….yet quite likely. Any of these events would most certainly trigger a: middle east meltdown.
By most observations, it does seem that a cataclysmic event or even a series of events is inevitable. There is another earth shaking event around the corner…..and that’s the Day of the Lord. With these two scenarios in mind, a question remains: Are You Ready ?
I cannot get my mind wrapped around Christians today who think this life, this earth, and this daily existence is the pinnacle of joy.
This writer believes there is a direct correlation between the diminishing popularity of the repentance message today and the ultimate widespread rejection of repentance by most during the Great Tribulation.
You are on a collision course with a holy, angry, perfect God and He is about to bring judgement upon this world….moreover, He will bring judgement upon you if you aren’t saved.
The way the world disrespects the Lord comes as no surprise. What is becoming more prevalent in evangelical Christian circles is a cavalier attitude toward the first and second persons of the trinity. This attitude has no place in the life of a Christian. If we could see a veiled glimpse of God’s glory as Moses or the apostle John did, we’d loose the disrespect and fall on our faces in complete reverent worship.
For centuries, people have reached inward and upward in hopes of finding something to satisfy the deepest longings of our human heart……..a satisfaction only Jesus Christ can bring. When people look anywhere else but to Jesus for spiritual satisfaction, Satan does what he does best and comes as an angel of light to deceive people into following the (god) of this world, not the one true God. This is last days spiritual deception.
In the wide world of all inclusive ecumenical feel good religion….it’s ok to say God, Lord, in his name, and the almighty. It’s fine to mention Buddha, Mohammed, or simply express your spirituality. Mention Jesus and you will raise eyebrows. Say he is the only way and you will be maligned or worse. Say the name of Jesus: it will cost you. As a follower of Jesus….there is no room in the middle.
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus are the most debated, contested, and polarizing events in human history. It divides our calendar, volumes have been written about it, and over two billion people alive today claim it as the truth. It’s not my intent to debate the events because this…