We need to take a realistic look at the dangers posed to Israel and the prophetic implications of this enemy in the vicinity of the Jewish State.
Welcome to Laodicea: Many inside of our churches today aren’t watching and waiting…….they are scoffing.
We are walking through this life and we are surrounded by masses of people going down, brushing past us, smiling, joking, and completely unaware that they will stand before the holy God of the universe to be judged.
I believe is setting the stage for the ultimate global conflict which is the Battle of Armageddon. The Bible describes a massive coalition moving in from the east toward the nation of Israel. We will look at the ultimate showdown that brings history to a close near the end of this article.
We are the believers who live between His ascension and the rapture. In the purely physical sense……we can’t see Him, we can’t touch Him, and we can’t hear His voice calling to us from the shores of the Galilee like the disciples did. We can’t hold His nail pierced hand as Thomas did. For now, we have to walk by faith and not by sight. We know there is a blessing for all of us who haven’t seen Him…..yet believe.
When we step back and view current events through the lens of scripture, the things taking place in recent weeks and months seem less random and more like they are belonging to the end time scenario. We will cover several topics and focus on two that are certainly prophetic in scope. Here is the current Global Situation Update:
Why should we be concerned that we are living in a day when George Clooney’s wedding receives more media coverage than recent a terrorist attack and for a greater period of time? Maybe it’s because those of us who are watching and waiting for the Lord’s return see an increase in pivotal events that are going by unnoticed…..under the radar.
There is a consensus among many respected Bible teachers and prophecy scholars that we are nearing the time of the Lord’s return.
What we will look at now is the elephant in the room. It’s a growing trend to negate Bible prophecy in our day. Believers need to answer this question with clarity and boldness:
Is Bible prophecy relevant?