About Us

Concerning The Times is the Bible teaching and evangelistic ministry of Howard Green. Our ministry has one primary focus: preaching the saving gospel of Jesus to everyone we can. We do this in several ways.

We publish articles regularly, and they are featured in numerous Christian and secular media outlets and on radio. We produce videos on YouTube that address issues from a biblical worldview. We preach the gospel at churches, fellowships, outreaches, and Bible studies.

Another focus of Concerning The Times is compassion ministry. The command of Jesus to care for the least of these is paramount, and it includes widows, orphans, the hungry, the homeless, and anyone in need. James 1:27 During colder months, we give out coats and sleeping bags, along with serving hot coffee and doughnuts to help the homeless and others on the streets in downtown Indy. We use this time to witness to them about Jesus and clearly explain the gospel, as well as being able to pray with many of them. Matthew 25:40

Our ministry is active in discernment to warn believers about the proliferation of false teaching today. The level of spiritual deception through the ecumenical, emerging,purpose-driven, watered-down Western church movements indicates what Jesus warned us about in the gospels.

End-time prophecy is how our ministry primarily engages people in Bible teaching, evangelism, and discipleship. The study of eschatology is not a singular focus. Healthy biblical end-time teaching always points to the centrality of Jesus, the gospel, discipleship, and godly living for believers. It’s also a mandate to spread the gospel and care for the least of these in light of the Lord’s soon return.

We are categorically opposed to the nonsense that has become the hallmark of some so-called ‘prophecy experts’ peddling sensationalism. This includes Date setting, Bible codes, secret knowledge, blood moon hype, Illuminati hype, conspiracy theories, and figuring out who the antichrist is. This sort of garbage isn’t sound doctrine and should be ignored. On the other hand, we see the growing trend to ignore, negate, and malign end-time Bible prophecy by a growing number of Christian leaders equally as damaging. This is one of the reasons our ministry exists: to be a trusted resource for sound biblical end-time prophecy teaching that always points to Jesus and the gospel.

Our motive for ministry is love for God and love for people. Matthew 22:37-40.  If you have questions about Jesus or what it means to follow him, click the link below. We want to reach everyone with the love of Jesus through the gospel.

Concerning The Times’ ministry affiliation and ministry credentials are through Christian Ministerial Fellowship International CMFI, an organization of biblically sound, like-minded, Christ-honoring ministries.

*Howard is available to preach the gospel on Bible prophecy, discernment, and Christian living at churches and conferences in light of the end times. For ministry inquiries or to contact us, click here.