Concerning The Times

Bible Prophecy, Discernment, and End Time Christian Living

Recent Articles

  • Don’t Diminish Jesus’ Name

    In a culture full of half-truths, my truth, and no truth, believers need to live lives of clarity, authenticity, and spiritual boldness. Moreover, we need to live in a way that doesn’t obscure the good news and diminish the name of Jesus with tepid, religious, and hypocritical behavior.

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  • King David: The Sinner and the Man After God’s Heart

    I was asked the other day, “How can a man like King David, who has committed awful sins, still be called a man after God’s heart?” Good question. What is particular about David that pleased the Lord? I thought of his steadfast faith in God’s goodness, power, and character during…

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  • Hope for the Roman Catholic Heart

    They focus on arguments about Mary, purgatory, Saints, councils, Papal authority, and traditions. That’s not to imply that differing views on these subjects aren’t vitally important because they are. But they all generally point to the spiritual elephant in the room of every Catholic and Protestant; It’s the subject of salvation and how to obtain it.

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Other Articles

  • They Won’t Repent

    This writer believes there is a direct correlation between the diminishing popularity of the repentance message today and the ultimate widespread rejection of repentance by most during the Great Tribulation.

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  • Bright Hope for Tomorrow

    Because the world is coming unraveled, we could easily slip into despondency If it wasn’t for the promises in God’s word. If you are a Christian, I want to remind you about your bright hope for tomorrow.

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  • When Buying or Selling Requires Worship

    There is a day coming when commerce and worship will be intrinsically linked. It will be a time when buying or selling requires worship.

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