Concerning The Times

Bible Prophecy, Discernment, and End Time Christian Living

Recent Articles

  • Don’t Diminish Jesus’ Name

    In a culture full of half-truths, my truth, and no truth, believers need to live lives of clarity, authenticity, and spiritual boldness. Moreover, we need to live in a way that doesn’t obscure the good news and diminish the name of Jesus with tepid, religious, and hypocritical behavior.

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  • King David: The Sinner and the Man After God’s Heart

    I was asked the other day, “How can a man like King David, who has committed awful sins, still be called a man after God’s heart?” Good question. What is particular about David that pleased the Lord? I thought of his steadfast faith in God’s goodness, power, and character during…

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  • Hope for the Roman Catholic Heart

    They focus on arguments about Mary, purgatory, Saints, councils, Papal authority, and traditions. That’s not to imply that differing views on these subjects aren’t vitally important because they are. But they all generally point to the spiritual elephant in the room of every Catholic and Protestant; It’s the subject of salvation and how to obtain it.

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Other Articles

  • Welcome to Laodicea

    Welcome to Laodicea: Many inside of our churches today aren’t watching and waiting…….they are scoffing.

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  • Is Street Preaching Relevant?

    If we are serious about reaching this world, let’s follow in the footsteps of Jesus and the apostles and preach where sinners gather. In thirty minutes, a good open-air preacher can reach more sinners than the average church does in twelve months!

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  • I Am With You Always

    We are the believers who live between His ascension and the rapture. In the purely physical sense……we can’t see Him, we can’t touch Him, and we can’t hear His voice calling to us from the shores of the Galilee like the disciples did. We can’t hold His nail pierced hand as Thomas did. For now, we have to walk by faith and not by sight. We know there is a blessing for all of us who haven’t seen Him…..yet believe.

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