Bible Prophecy, Discernment, and End Time Christian Living
China’s growing economic, technological, and military power makes it the elephant in the world’s living room that we can’t ignore. Let’s examine how China’s rise in the end-times could affect us as individuals and globally. This should be a wake-up call to all of humanity, especially Christians.
There are reports of rapes and corpses in the streets, and this situation seems reminiscent of the early stages of the 1994 genocide. The problem is complex with animosity stemming from the 1994 genocide.
Although many Christian leaders think we’ve just entered a golden age, I strongly disagree. Because Bible prophecy points toward a widespread false sense of security, then coming destruction. Let’s consider the realities we face as believers in the supposed peace in our time.
What do the great actors of film have to do with last days Christianity? Quite a lot because we are living in a day when it’s not easy to differentiate between the true followers of Jesus and those who are simply Christian actors. I don’t know what motivates one to be a pretender instead of the real thing. One thing is certain: Churchianity isn’t Christianity.
China’s growing economic, technological, and military power makes it the elephant in the world’s living room that we can’t ignore. Let’s examine how China’s rise in the end-times could affect us as individuals and globally. This should be a wake-up call to all of humanity, especially Christians.
This writer believes there is a direct correlation between the diminishing popularity of the repentance message today and the ultimate widespread rejection of repentance by most during the Great Tribulation.
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