Welcome to Laodicea
What is it about Bible prophecy and end times dialogue that sets some Christian's teeth on edge? The reason I'm asking the question is because I can't remember a time when apathy regarding the Lord's return has been so widespread. If we were talking about a pagan view of the last days...the previous statement wouldn't seem so provocative. We are discussing apathy of so many in the Church.....that is why the matter is of deep concern. A few months ago, I defended the importance of Bible prophecy and it's not my intent to review the subject. What I want to bring to our attention today is what I believe is a 'heart' issue. I want to make a clear distinction between those who 'love His appearing' and those who to be blunt.....couldn't care less. Just like some people in the the 1st century church, we also have people inside the church now who are lukewarm, complacent, and slumbering. Welcome to Laodicea: many inside of our churches today aren't watching and waiting.......they are scoffing.
Howard Green