Regifting is the act of taking a gift that has been received and giving it to someone else. When it comes to Christmas gifts and all of the exchanging that goes along with this time of year, the only expectation I have is to simply enjoy friends and loved ones no matter what I give or receive. For many people, this can be a very stressful time of the year. Gift giving & receiving seems to take the joy right out of the season. People get so worked up over buying the 'perfect gift' or they may get disappointed by not receiving the 'perfect gift' from someone. On the other may be content in knowing that this season is really all about Jesus and the exchange of gifts cause no drama in your life. I don't know how you feel about regifting, but as Christians.....we have the ultimate opportunity to regift. Christians have received the perfect, unmerited, free gift of salvation from Jesus. All of us have the opportunity to regift this salvation we received. The difference with 'kingdom regifting' is that we keep the original gift, but this priceless treasure simply and beautifully replicates itself over and over again by God's grace and mercy. As believers we need to remember that this gift of salvation we received wasn't cheap. I sometimes find myself a bit bothered by the cavalier, cleaver, and at times....even silly approaches some folks have toward evangelism. This gift of salvation isn't some commodity to be peddled. Salvation isn't some trinket we need to try to package into a nice gift box. Salespeople explain the features and benefits of an item in hopes of 'persuading' a buyer to want the product. We don't need cleaver programs, formulas, or campaigns to get people to accept Jesus. I don't know where this idea or notion came from, but I believe it stems from some inside the church not having a realistic view of their former hopeless state, repentance, and the priceless gift of salvation.
Howard Green