No Other Name
All you need to do is take a look around to see we are living in perilous times. Nothing has brought this truth to the forefront like the onset of global jihad. We can hardly pick up a paper, browse a website, or turn on the world news without hearing about another act of terrorism. The politically correct pundits, politicians, and even some pulpits are quick to view these acts as isolated events that are perpetrated by lone wolves or extremists. There is a danger with living in denial and not addressing the core issue that fuels this hatred. My concern is that some inside the church are trying to "fix" the problem and address the Muslim world with manmade efforts that are certain to fail. The reality is this: True Christians need to see that there are people in the Muslim world who are trapped in darkness. There is no other name that can save souls.....including souls in the Muslim world, but Jesus. chrislam
Howard Green